Tuesday, August 6, 2013

One more week!! (Nearing the end of third semester)

Well, this semester certainly flew by! It's hard to believe Melissa is nearly 3/4ths done with her time on Dominica. It seems like just yesterday we were fumbling through security at the airport, missing all of our bags and staring at each other with a general, "Do you have any idea what is going on here, because I definitely do not" sort of expression. Ah, those days.

Since then, my upper arms have tanned more than the have in my entire life, I kill about a half dozen tiny spiders on a daily basis, and Rosco. He's not really much bigger since I've taken pictures. He's still a hyper goofball, but he's only got about a month left before the vet comes to do the old "snip-snip". As cute as he is, I just don't know if the world could handle another Rosco. And he's been trying with the dog downstairs (who has been fixed herself, which makes it less stressful; also she gets really peeved when he tries anything, so there haven't been any scares).

But enough talk about my dog's testicles (hands down weirdest sentence I've ever blogged). Melissa has a mini TOMORROW. And for those of you keeping score, that's also our 3-year anniversary!!

Lookit how happy these people are for us! If you had told me 3 years ago that the girl I was about to marry would take me to a tropical island while she beast-modes the first 2 years of medical school, I would have probably said, "Sweet. Sounds good to me." She's the best!!

So anyways, be thinking of her tomorrow morning (8:00 EST), and then be thinking of her this week as she studies for the final next Wednesday! Don't worry, I'll supply the back-rubs. 

Ok, good talk.

Take care!
