Saturday, October 19, 2013

Update! (aka oops it's been a while again)

Well hello again you fine people! I hope you've been well. It's probably fall where you are, and the leaves are turning and making a mess of your respective yards/streets/parking lots. That's cool. It's still hot here. And very green. They don't call Dominica "The Nature Isle" for nothing (at least I think that's what 'they' call it).  Much has been going on here, so why don't I tell you about it? That's probably a good idea. Yeah.

Melissa is 2 days out from her second mini of the semester (Monday bright and early!), so she's in super study mode. What that means is she only skype messages me once every 4 or 5 hours compared to 2 or 3. Even then, sometimes I can tell when she's clearly just looking for me to distract her because she's bored or tired of studying. It's ok; I'd definitely do the same thing if I were her.

In other news, I got hired by the prep school! I'm sort of a teacher aide that moves between classes and helps out. One of the major reasons I wasn't able to be a full-time teacher at the school while we were down here is because they require the teachers to sign a contract for the entire school year, and when I got here, they already had the 12-13 school year teachers. And now, since we're leaving in December, I couldn't do the 13-14 school year either. But I am glad they found a spot for me to help out and re-tune my craft! I forgot how much energy it takes to teach, especially when you're teaching 11-year-olds. But I'm getting back into it!

Now here's a special treat: a video that Rosco and I took last week of this crazy plant that grows outside our apartment. The pup found it because he thought there were bugs in the grass, but...well, just watch and see what he found.

Pretty cool, right? Sorry about the fumbling around; It's tricky pointing with something when you're looking through a lens. Also when you have a dog on the leash in the other hand. 

Well, that's all for me today. Be thinking of Melissa on Monday when she has her test! Go get some pumpkins for me!

Take care,
