Friday, April 12, 2013

The last big push!

Don't worry peeps, Melissa passed Mini 3! In fact, she did quite well on it; she set a new personal record, score-wise. And that's just after she set the record on Mini 2!

I'll tell you her super secret for the recent improvement (hopefully she doesn't mind...). Ok, so these tests are multiple choice, right? Melissa's tactic is simply to cover the answer bank as she reads and processes the questions. So she works out the solution before seeing what misleading answers are given. Usually this gives her even more confidence in her choices, and helps keep the distractions to a minimum. So any of you out there who are still taking multiple choice tests: this one's a freebie. Use at your own leisure. 

In other news, I'm makin' some bread! Granted, it's a box recipe, but I did take a muffin mix and convert it to bread, so I did a little work (not really). It smells pretty good now, but I hope the oven doesn't cook it too quickly. This propane tank thingy can be a little stressful at times, let me tell ya.

Also, it seems that Rosco has hit a growth plateau (finally!), which is good for me because I wasn't sure he was going to stop. Sometimes I remember when I could still fit him in my back pack, and it blows my mind that that was in January. How time flies!

So Melissa is still studying as strong as ever, getting reacquainted with old material and revisiting lectures from blocks 1 and 2. She really has a good system down, which is awesome to witness, because I can see that she isn't stressed in the way that a lot of students seem to be, which is "ARGH-there's-so-much-stuff-I-didn't-learn-the-first-time-and-I-need-to-boost-my-block-scores-and-there-isn't-enough-time-and-OHMYBRAINISEXPLO-". Or something like that. Let's just say that campus is a high stress zone right now. Not too fun. But Melissa is doing all the right things and setting herself up to do her best. 

In short: Melissa is great, Rosco is taking a growing break, and my banana-nut bread is hopefully not burning.

Wait, let me go check.


Ok, it's fine. Still looking and smelling good.

Take care!


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