Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Starting It Up Before We Go!

In this day and age, it's remarkable how out of touch I can be. As a certain Clarissa Johnson can attest, as recently as last month I was under the impression that people still use Zynga.

Apparently that is not so.
But that sort of tells you about how long ago it was when I last considered making a blog (if Zynga was still in fashion). And even though my last consideration ended in futility (read: never happened), I am ready to go this time!

As many of you know (assuming I know you), Melissa is going to Ross University Medical School, and I am going with her. Now, this particular medical school happens to operate on the small Caribbean island of Dominica (if you're curious, here it is). Her program will consist of 4 accelerated semesters over a span of 16 months, after which we'll move back to the U.S. for clinical rotations and residency. Basically what Melissa will be doing at the Dominica campus is the equivalent of the first 2 years at a traditional med school.

And basically what I will be doing is keeping her sane.

I'm kidding. Probably. Maybe.

But that's why I want to start blogging: this way I can keep all of you posted about how we're doing. The last thing we want is for us to be completely isolated while we're down there.

Plus, this will give me something to do on a regular basis! As far as I can tell right now, employment at Ross will be part-time at best; they only need so many arms to practice drawing blood (oh how I hope it doesn't come to that...).

So yeah. Keeping you in the loop. Keeping myself busy. Keeping Melissa sane.

And most importantly: Keeping the posts at a reasonable length. Which, for this first entry, seems to be now.

- Eric

P.S. We are leaving for Dominica on Friday, August 24th, so if you want to hang out one more time before we vamoose, that's our deadline.


  1. woot travelblog! I hope to leave cryptic inside jokes on here every day.
    ALSO - nanowrimo.org ?
    Sounds like you'll have the freetime...

    1. That sounds like a very real possibility. By November I'll be a writing machine.
