Wednesday, August 29, 2012

For those of you worrying about hurricanes...

This will be short and sweet.

I know with Isaac hitting the States pretty hard right now some of you might be concerned about our safety here. You know, in the middle of the Caribbean. But as I found out, today is actually the 33rd anniversary of the last hurricane to hit Dominica. We went on a tour of the Indian river (which is where they shot the scenes in Pirates 2 and 3 involving Calypso or something). Our guide's name was Charlie Love. Cool dude. Saw a lot of crabs on the river bank.

But anyhow, them's the facts. Optimists among you might say, "Oh good! Their island hardly gets hit! Hooray!" 

Meanwhile, you glass-half-empty folk are thinking, "They're due."

Er, in short, don't worry. The island and the school are both well equipped for 'inclement weather'.

WE'LL BE FINE. [wait, that looks too intense]

we'll be fine.


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