Monday, September 3, 2012

No-Fly Zone (I wish) and the Introduction to Melissa Mondays!

Today we have had 2 distinct massacres in our apartment. In the morning, I slayed a legion of ants in the sink, and just after dinner we waged war against some flies that had camped out on our kitchen light.

There were no survivors. Except us. 

Luckily none of the pests we've run into are any sort of dangerous. We heard about these nasty centipedes that are big (a foot long), red, and sting from both ends. Definitely avoiding those. No question. But even the ants we have are microscopic. Just annoying really. As long as we don't they don't get any bigger, we shouldn't have problems.


I decided back when I was first thinking about this blog that I would dedicate one day a week specifically for Melissa's adventure in med school. And what better day to use than the one that alliterates with her name so nicely? Hence, Melissa's Medical Mondays. And, maybe once she starts working with the cadaver, Melissa's Macabre Medical Mondays. M's for everyone! She'll basically dictate things for me to include to help you get some perspective of how things are going.

To start, here are some numbers to maybe help you conceptualize: 
Melissa, along with 430 other first semesters, just got underway with classes today. Those 400+ students are broken down into 3 groups for Anatomy lab, which are then divided into groups of 5-6 per cadaver. Most mornings, she will head to the "Annex" for morning lectures (8-12ish), then eat lunch, and study into the afternoon. From what she told me, today was mostly review from courses she took during her post-bacc program at Dominican University in River Forest, but she isn't taking anything for granted. Right now, in fact, she's prepping her books for tomorrow's lecture. I think. 

Speaking of tomorrow, Melissa's White Coat ceremony happens at 2:00 ET, so if you'd like to see what exactly that is, here is the link: 
(note that it probably won't start working until 1:30 tomorrow when they begin the broadcast)

Well that's all for now. Until next time,



  1. Tiny ants and stinging centipedes... sounds a lot like Hawaii! Welcome to the tropics!

  2. "the cadaver"... makes it sound creepily personal. I would almost prefer just a nickname. Cadington, maybe?

  3. That makes me think of Paddington Bear. What about Cadavenport?
