Thursday, September 20, 2012


Man, we've been getting rained on like crazy here!  Today we only had one little shower in the afternoon, but the last couple of days have been quite precipitatious. 

New rule: precipitatious is a word. Continuing...

So Melissa got her results from her first test. She passed! Unfortunately for you, she doesn't want me to post her score for some reason. I dunno. She's pretty pleased with herself, and for good reason. She worked hard for that score, which I still can't tell you.

Maybe if you ask her discreetly, she'll tell you. Who knows?

Funny story: so, I've been volunteering at the prep school, where I sit in on a 6th/7th grade class as well as a 3rd grade class. One of the 3rd-graders is my downstairs neighbor, and he always does this funny thing where he remembers that he knows me. It's this sort of unspoken interaction we have, like, "hey, it's you." Anyway, now whenever he sees me outside of school he thinks he needs to raise his hand to talk to me. I don't have the heart to stop him, though. It's good for my teacher ego.

So yes. The title of this blog is supposed to just be "2 cubed", but I don't know how to get superscripts to come up in the title.  There isn't any significance to that other than this is the 8th post I've done so far. I like numbers. 

So there you go. Hope everyone is doing well!



  1. Nice blog, Eric! You should enable the "member" option to make it easier to follow for other people with Google accounts. Thanks for sharing :]

  2. Whoa, thanks for pointing that out to me. I will get on that right away.

  3. I like "precipitatious". Maybe you should submit it to Merriam-Webster. I mean, if they're going to allow "f-bomb" and "aha moment", why not "precipitatious"?

    Congratulations to Melissa on passing her test! :)

    And the story about your neighbor student? Hilarious! Glad you're doing well. Stay dry!
