Monday, September 17, 2012

Melissa's Mini Monday!

So, as you may know, today Melissa had her first exam of medical school! They call these tests "minis", because they are smaller than the final. 

Fair enough. Still I think they could come up with a better name. You know, something that doesn't sound so, well, diminutive.  Because you really can't take the minis for granted. 

Anyhow, we won't know how she did for a couple days at least, but I can say with certainty that her disposition has improved drastically since she's been finished taking it. 

Like, a lot. I think it cured her cold even.  Maybe, maybe not. I just hope we don't see this same fluctuation between stress level (and health level) for the next mini. That mini is three weeks from tomorrow (the 9th of October). 

And she has 2 practicals that Monday the 8th. Better stock up on cold meds...

So yeah. We'll let you know how it went after the scores come in (probably Wednesday?).  I'm about to head off to my first training session as a Standardized Patient! I hope the rain stays away though; our hill is awful when it's wet.

Ok, that's all for now.

- Eric

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