Friday, September 28, 2012

Asymmetrical feet, and my other faults.

So as you facebookers may know, I recently found out that I am is the small population of humans that do not have the Palmaris Longus tendon in either arm. I don't think it's a "deal breaker", health-wise, but it is an interesting peculiarity nonetheless.

So this got me thinking: what are some of my other oddities?  Here's what I determined.

Let's start at the bottom. I am quite flat-footed. Like, basically a duck. No arch whatsoever. I've tried shoe inserts, and if I were wearing more tennis shoes, I might consider getting some. But for now, I'm basically in sandals all the time, so I just need to make sure the ones I wear give me good support.

Also, as alluded to in the title, my feet are not symmetric. My second toe (or Pointer toe, if my big toe counts like a thumb) is longer on my left foot than the one on my right. In fact, it's longer than my left big toe, while my other pointer toe is not. 

Interesting stuff, I know.

Another strange fact is that I can bend my wrists forward so far that my thumbs completely touch my forearms. It looks much more painful than it actually is, trust me.

I am incapable of rolling my r's. Some claim that it merely takes practice, but I don't know about that. I'm pretty miserable at it.

This seems to be tailing off a bit, so here's one last bit of trivia, per se. If you take my first and middle names (Eric Paul), and rearrange the letters, you get the word peculiar. Not the greatest of words, but I think it's cool that there's actually a word there, and not gibberish.

(Note: I realize in the grand scheme of things, there are many, far more interesting physiological oddities that normal people may possess. But this isn't their blog. It's mine.)

Keep it real, y'all.



  1. Is your ability to painfully bend your wrists related to your lack of longus?


  2. Maybe the two are related...I don't know.

  3. If you can get your hands on a copy of the 1932 movies Freaks... it's pretty amazing. There's a scene where a (actual) man with no limbs rolls, lights, and smokes a cigarette.
