Monday, October 22, 2012

Finally, some pictures from our apartment!

So, I have actually remembered to go take some pictures of the outside of our apartment, in order to show you where we live. Cue the pics!
An exterior shot. The Wrights (family from Minnesota) live down through the archway,  and we live above them.

If you look straight down the archway, you can see the grill. Anybody can use it! Although we haven't...YET. Soon, though. We have a lot of frozen chicken to cook.

A step or two past the archway is the entrance to our apartment. Technically, this door leads to  a little area that we share with our neighbor (3rd semester named Kristen). At night there are many lizards trying to get in. I sometimes yell at them. It works.

The first thing you see when you walk in (typically drenched in sweat; that hill is MURDER) is our good friend Mr. Fan. That guy is a workhorse. Much respect. Also you can see our humble bookshelf from the side, our computer desk, and Melissa's boxes of medical stuff. And a purse.

Le Kitchen. Yes, that is a can of bugspray next to the sink. You have to put those ants in their place, or else they'll just run amok. Luckily, they don't know how to climb the fridge/microwave, so chips and granola bars are always safe. Fun fact: we keep our peanut butter in the fridge! Don't judge!

Here's a reverse shot of our living room. Mr. Fan in a different position.  You can also see my hat/bandana wall, as well as our cushy victorian-esque chairs/couch. Sidenote: the top shelf of our bookshelf is for the empty water bottles that I will eventually take down to campus to reload. In case of bad rain turning the running water brown. Only has happened twice, I think, so far. 

Our sea-facing window (so I guess it's west facing? Sounds right). This picure fails to demonstrate the brightness of this wall. Word of advice: do not sit in front of this window at 5:30. The sun is directly in your/my eyes. But it's a great view.

Quick shot of the bedroom/bathroom/closet. Don't look, it's messy!

One more shot of the living area with a better view of the couch. Mr. Fan is still working hard. Also, you can see our assortment of shoes nesting near the door. 

Looks like I'm playing a game on my computer. BIG SURPRISE TO NO ONE. Hey past self: the sun is going down soon! You should think about moving to a different seat. Hey! Are you listening to me? HEY!

So that's what our place looks like. I hope the captions were enlightening. Feel free to post any questions/comments, and I'll be sure to respond! 

Hope you're all well!



  1. I would like to know if you are actually still living out of suitcases, or if it is a fluke that there is one in your bedroom. :)

  2. Well, it's just because we don't have enough dresser/closet space. But yes, it's still there.

  3. I was about to ask the same thing... :P
