Monday, October 15, 2012

Rain is dumb.

So, we've had an interesting week. 

Last tuesday, Melissa was taking 2 practicals. A practical, if you don't know, is a test of your lab skills and ability to identify muscles/bones/cells. One practical was over gross anatomy (bones and muscles), and the other was histology (erm, not exactly sure what that means). From all accounts, both practicals were stupid hard. I think the average score between those two tests was about a 55%. Melissa, feel free to correct me if I'm off.

But that's not all! Because the very next day, Melissa had another mini! Well, technically it's part 2 of the first mini, but that doesn't mean you study any less for it. And then, like clockwork, all of the first-semesters exited the testing centers, took a deep breath, and started planning how they were going to spend the rest of their free day (most students, especially firsties, take most or all of the rest of test day to relax and reload for the next wave).

Then the rain came.

'Luckily', it waited just long enough for us to get down to the beach and get comfortable before it started pouring. And it came hecka fast. As we were scrambling up the stairs to get under shelter, Melissa took a dive and did a number on her knees/palms. It looked worse than it ended up being, but she was not a happy camper that day. On the plus side, we got a free ride all the way up our hill! 

On a sidenote, it has rained for both of the semester 1 minis so far. I'm going to keep a close eye on the weather for November 3rd (or 2nd. Again, Melissa: correct me!).

The next day, we woke up to a torrential rainstorm. Not much wind, but WAAAY too much water. And thus, Melissa took her first sick day. Slept in until 11 (the meds they gave her for her injuries must be CRAZY), then she got to work. Luckily, she's allowed to Mediasite (watch lectures from home), so she didn't really miss too much. She was back and ready to go before class the next day, but it was nice to be around her on a weekday. 

Meanwhile, still raining. 

Saturday: RAIN.


Today: rain? ABOUT TIME. 

The worst side effect of lots of rain is that the water stops when it comes down too hard. Consequently, I took my first sponge bath of my life on Saturday. And hopefully, I won't have to do that again. Gross.

But now the rain has stopped, the sun is back out, our laundry's getting washed, and things are back to normal. I'll try to get some pictures of our apartment (inside and out) up tomorrow or Wednesday, but I need to get my camera first. 

Hope you're all staying dry!


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