Saturday, May 18, 2013

Picto-post/blog #3: back to Guadeloupe and home with Rosco!

Betcha thought I was done. NOPE! We had a little more time back in Guadeloupe after the trip, and then there was a week or so back on Dominica before classes started up. So here goes.

Last blog ended with a dumb face by me, so why not start this one the same? Back in Guadeloupe, we went to the beach to relax and recuperate. Medical stuff is hard work. Trust me, I'm basically a pharm tech now.

It was nice to be at a sandy beach, since a lot of beaches (not all, mind you) in Dominica are kinda rocky. Although there did seem to be a trend of general cloudiness whenever we went to the beach. Maybe France imports their weather. 

While I was swimming, Melissa saw some gnarly iguanas chilling in the tree above her! Too cool!

Me swimming and not seeing the iguanas.

Here's me pointing at Dominica. Or maybe Les Saintes. The island directly above my head is Marie Galante, though. I know that for sure. 

Here's the front gate of the "hotel" we stayed at on the way back. It was more like a bed and breakfast, though. Pretty nice, except the owner hardly spoke English.

More of our hotel. Quite a nice little place.

Here is where the aforementioned breakfast happened. I dug the blue/white vibe it was dishing out.

After a couple days to relax, it was back to Dominica on the ferry! Here we are still in the port, I believe.

Our vessel. No wait, that's the ship behind us. Ours looked like this, except with more blue and less red.

More boats in the dock. Not sure what was going on in that boat there.

Stealth picture of Melissa. I like candid pictures of people, because it shows them in their "natural state", and not making a face or standing in a contrived position. Plus, it usually makes the pictures better anyway.

Once we were back in Picard, we picked up our little fella, Rosco! I think he grew a little...he needs to stop that.

We decided to try hiking one of the national trails during our week off before classes. It starts by crossing this pretty cool bridge over a river. 

The sign reassuring us that we are going the right way. The name Waitukubuli is the native name of the island, and Dominica is what the European settlers called it, because they landed on a Sunday. Very creative, those guys.

Awesome view from the trail of Portsmouth and Cabrits. At this point in the hike we were both a little tired, but still optimistic.

Around here, we were losing steam. And it only got tougher. A lot of the hills gave you very few footholds, so we both relied pretty heavily on trees to hang onto as we pulled ourselves up and then slowly slid down on the other side. This was basically how the whole hike went. My face says it all.

Oh, and there was mud halfway up my calf at one point. That was wonderful. Overall, it was an exciting hike in retrospect, but I did not enjoy it terribly in the moment.

Here's just a shot of Rosco sleeping. It's a good thing he didn't go hiking with us, because it would have been a trainwreck. But he still got tired regardless.
So that's our break, in three nutshells. Next week I'll get you up to date on Melissa and 3rd semester. Hope you're all doing well!


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