Friday, May 31, 2013

Bugs, Drugs and Hugs

Before you start worrying that I've gotten into the wrong sort of habits, let me just tell you: this is what I've dubbed the first block of semester 3 of med school. The reason being that they are focused on learning tons of diseases (the bugs), as well as pharmacology (the drugs), and mixing in plenty of patient interaction experience (the hugs; because, you know, you gotta be good to the patients). Most students already call it "Bugs and drugs", but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to throw in more rhymes.

Interesting thing that Melissa found today: in addition to this being the birthday of Julius Richard Petri (the one who invented the eponymous dish), they were able to capture a molecule at the single atom level. The pictures look a lot like the diagrams in textbooks, apparently. You see, these are the kind of things Melissa finds when she's taking a study break. A STUDY BREAK AND SHE'S READING MORE SCIENCE. She crazy.

Also, in case you were wondering, she listens to a lot of classical music when studying, but today her ear was apparently craving the scores from the first four Harry Potter films (at least, she was only through four at 2 this afternoon; I'm willing to be she made it at least through Half-Blood Prince). So folks, the next time you're at the doctor's office, ask him/her what their go-to "study music" is. It should be an interesting answer.

Speaking of music, I'm in a band! You see, I had already been playing bass for about half the worship services with Ross Christian Fellowship, but a fellow spouse approached me a few weeks ago to join up with him and a couple students. These guys are pretty legit, especially compared to someone with relatively little "professional" bass experience. Luckily my natural inclination to play music from however many years of band I've had translated into a passable first practice last Saturday. And we even have some gigs this semester. In front of people, even! I'll keep you posted with how those go, and hopefully I can snag a pic or two from the events.

To close, I'll just tell you now: tomorrow officially ushers in hurricane season in the Caribbean. But based on the weather these last couple weeks, it feels like it's already here. We are getting a lot of rain (and even a bit of thunder/lightning!), and that has led to a couple days of reduced water or no water whatsoever. Don't worry: I try to keep the fridge stocked with reserves, so we're not going to dehydrate. Just be thankful for the water you have whenever you need it!

Take care you all!


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