Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Crazy video Melissa made me watch!! (Link inside)

And by watch, I mean "I had another tab opened while I listened to it". Here's that link for ya: "Flatline"

Basically, it's about these heart surgeons in Texas who figured out a way to make an artificial heart. Go watch it, if you've got the stomach for seeing some insides (this is why I had another tab opened). But medically speaking, it's pretty awesome that these sorts of things are making progress. Although it does seem sort of creepy that the device doesn't make a heart beat sound. But you should just go watch that link, if you haven't already.

In other news, as you may have heard, we got hit by Tropical Storm Chantal last week. Campus was shut down for a day, our water cut out for a little while, and there was a little wind in the morning, but we made it out ok. I've seen worse!

Unfortunately for the students, there were some serious internet problems coinciding with the storm, yet unrelated to the weather specifically. As far as I know, there were some system problems, and the network crapped out for a day or so. This meant that no one could watch lectures online or check email, so apparently class was packed on Wednesday/Thursday. Plus, everyone was grumbly. I could see how that might have been unpleasant.

Finally, here's a Rosco update. Today he farted in my face. See if I ever take him in a car again...

Take care y'all!


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