Saturday, July 6, 2013

Guess how many drugs Melissa has to know for her Mini?

I'll give you a second to think and make a guess. Keep in mind, she's got a little over 4 weeks of lecture (I think?) to study, and considering that she doesn't have lecture on Mondays, we're talking probably a little shy of 70 lecture hours to work with. And not all of those lectures are drugs (that would be terrible).

Here, let me scroll a little so you can make a guess before you see the answer.





I know I always have trouble reading ahead in books. It's sort of an annoying habit.







Especially when exciting things are happening. I mean, c'mon, why can't I just read the paragraphs in order instead of skipping to the next one to see what happens! Oi.






Oh man, don't get me started on "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories. I would bookmark all the different places where you make decisions and read through each of them (because it's such a hassle to start all the way over and read that increasingly boring set-up. I get it, the year is 3187 and you're a normal kid on Earth-Y2 until a mysterious man etc. etc.). Those books. Ugh.

Oh, and the answer is 107. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN DRUGS. It boggles my mind. And when she tells me about it, there usually isn't that much caps in her voice. Either she has come to terms with the insanity of it, or she really doesn't have that much trouble memorizing so much. I'm willing to bet the latter.

And out of those 107, I pronounce about 97 of them incorrectly. I don't know what it is, but whatever language they write drug names in is not one I'm fluent in. If I had some of them in front of me, I'd show you what I mean. They're infuriating.

Well, that's really the big thing I wanted to tell y'all. Melissa's mini is on Monday (2 days!), and afterwards we are going on a day-trip to Roseau for a little shopping and Pizza Hut. We're both pretty pumped about the Pizza Hut. S'good.

Last thing: no hurricanes yet! Keep it up, Dominica!

Peace out,


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