Sunday, June 30, 2013

No Mo' Beard (and the Squeaky Puppy w/ video!)



Now that hockey playoff season is over, my beard no longer serves any purpose. Therefore, I shaved it.

Before any shaving. I think it knows that something's up.

Decided to screw around a little after the neck was shaved. Not sure if I can pull this off.

Chin beard gone, going for the "Youth Pastor" look as Melissa calls it.  The face I'm making is irrelevant.

Just the soul patch left. I can't actually see it, because I have a gigantic nose.

It's getting worried now... (what is that neck vein/thing called? Mine can be quite prominent)

And finished! And I did it all with a regular razor (one of those Gillette things).  My face is cool and happy again.

Here is that video of my pup being cute with his squeaky toy.

Hope you enjoyed this goofy little post! Maybe I'll try doing some more YouTubes. Who knows?

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