Saturday, June 22, 2013


I like using words that have all five vowels in them (today's title being a prime example). The first one I figured out when I was a wee lad was "education", and I was quite proud of myself. Then I discovered "facetious", which is extra special because the vowels show up in alphabetical order! 

But this isn't a post about words! It's a post that happens to use words!


Ok, so for starters, Rosco is still big. He hasn't grown much lately, but I'd say he's about 40 pounds or so. This puts him in the "hard to pick up" category of pet. It's like picking up a seven-year-old with claws. 

He also has this new game where he gets a toy and makes me chase him around the apartment in circles. This game is especially fun if it's a squeaky toy. I'll have to try and record him doing it sometime that Melissa's home.

Speaking of Melissa, here is a special PSA from the doc-to-be: take your daily multi-vitamin! She recently told me that her fingernails have seen a lot of healthy progress since we've been on Dominica taking vitamins, and she's pretty sure that it has to do with some anemia. Crazy!

Changing topics: I've been growing a playoff beard for the Stanley Cup finals. No mustache. No neck beard. But everything else (or at least as much as I can). All I can say is I'll be happy when it's over. Too hot for facial hair down here. Also, go Hawks! (cue Chelsea Dagger).

Also, I just realized that it didn't really rain that much this week (relatively speaking of course). Which probably means that next week will be that much worse. But who knows? I'm no weatherman. 

And that is my little bit of potpourri blogging for you. I hope it smelled nice (:^/). 

Peace out,



  1. Hey! I really liked your short sweet post! AND when you popped your head in the family lounge the other day with your play off beard I didn't even recognized you. AT ALL. It wasn't until after you left that the light bulb popped on and I said "was that ERIC?" You look great! Don't shave it off! Plus, I think you've lost even more weight since I saw you last, so you're rockin, it! Good on ya!

  2. Ha, thanks. I pulled a reverse Fugitive on you.

  3. PICTURES! of the beard. and the dog game.

  4. There will be a post specifically for the beard, once the Stanley Cup finals are through. I think I can even get a video of the squeaky hamburger game, hopefully. Brb, gonna go take a beardie selfie.
