Saturday, September 21, 2013

Go Fourth and Multi-task!

I'll begin with an anecdote of sorts.

So down here, we have these creatures called "rain flies", colloquially. Apparently they lay their eggs in the puddles after it rains, so a day or two later you can expect hordes of them buzzing around your lights. Fortunately, they don't usually get too bad up at our apartment, but when they do, Rosco enjoys licking them up after they pass out/die on the floor. They aren't his favorite bug; that would have to be grasshoppers. Once in a blue moon, when we're out walking at night, he'll happen to find one. And oh boy, does he make a whole thing out of it. Regardless of where he finds it, he drops straight into a perfect "down" position and starts batting at it, with the occasional bite-check to make sure it doesn't completely get away. And he will just sit and play with it for as long as you let him. Or when it finally dies from him playing too rough. Then he eats it. Such a weird dog.

Honestly, sometimes I think he lived with cats before we got him, because he has some weird tendencies that aren't very canine of him. He'll rub his side up on your leg, he arches his back in that classic cat fashion, and of course, the playing with his prey. Also, it took him a really long time to figure out how to lift his leg when he pees. And he still doesn't do it all the time. Oh Rosco, you goof. 

Melissa meanwhile is working virtually non-stop as 4th semester continues to throw material and obligations at her, and I think she's handling it very well! This semester is different from the first 3 in that there are only classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday instead of every day. But rather than have 4 hours of lecture 5 days a week, the 4ths are given 8 hours over 3 days. Yes, it does add up to more hours, but the reason for that is so that Ross can provide a 3-week review course at the end of the semester so students can prepare for the "Comp" (aka Step 1 litmus test). But I can tell that the pace is hard to adjust to. With all of the clinical practice sessions and trips to the hospital in Roseau, Tuesdays and Thursdays aren't as free as you'd think. But Melissa has a good system set up for studying, so she's staying on top of it.

Now for me: I finally got a new case for Standardized Patient! At last, my kidney stones are gone (what a relief). But, for professionalism's sake, I'm not going to spoil what my new condition(s?) is(/are?). You never know who reads this! I also subbed at the prep school for the first time in a while. It went pretty ok; just gave some pre-tests. So they had to be quiet and I couldn't help them. Tons of fun, right? But other than that, I've been jamming with some other spouses every week or so, brushing up on my guitar skills. So that's pretty fun as well. I'll keep y'all posted more frequently as things happen, and I should be able to get back to blogging once a week or so.

So, I think that'll do it for today. I hope you guys are enjoying the weather turning to fall! Save some leaves for me!


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