Saturday, September 28, 2013

It was the best of naps, it was the worst of naps...

Actually, it was probably just the worst of naps. Bleargh.

So anyhow, here's the background: Melissa studies until pretty late in the day. And, like the good spouse I am, I stay up for her (partly because Rosco and I pick her up down the hill, but I would stay up anyway). So this means that I'm basically on the same sleep schedule as her. Which is probably about 5 1/2 or 6 hours, average.

Now, Melissa is pretty good at napping. She's told me that she can take a 10-minuter easily, if need be. Unfortunately for me, I've never learned good nap-taking. So when I try, usually I just end up laying down for a few minutes before I give up. Also, it's too hot up here for naps; Melissa has the benefit of AC-controlled classrooms to nap in. But I digress. All in all, the cumulative hours of sleep that I've neglected to "nap back" finally seemed to get back at me.

Yesterday at around 2:45, I decided I was just too doggone tired. So I went to lay down on the bed (first mistake, apparently) without my phone/alarm (mistake #2) and the fan cranked way up (#3). I read for literally 4 minutes before the tiredness overtook me.

I actually woke up briefly around 3:20 or so, but I think it was just to roll over.

The next time I woke up? 6:15. I took a 3 and a half hour nap. BLEARGH. For those of you who haven't experienced what it feels like to come out of a REM cycle as the sun's setting, it's like someone made your brain do a 360 inside your skull. I simultaneously was hungry, nauseous, energized, and sleepy. And Rosco needed to pee. Luckily (or not), he didn't try to bother me while I was asleep. But he seemed happy that I was up.

I feel for Rip Van Winkle. Waking up at the wrong time of day (or year) is extremely jarring. I guess I'm just used to my energy levels being at a certain point at a specific time of day, so when I feel like 9 am at 11 pm, it messes with my head.

In short, naps are hard.

But you know what else is hard? Med school! Melissa has her first mini on Monday, bright and early at 8 am (EST). So be thinking of her then! Apparently the first test of 4th semester is the hardest, mini-wise. I think this block is Neuro, but I could be way off. I just remember hearing the students talking about personality disorders the other day, so if that's not brain-related, then beats me. [Melissa: when you read this, feel free to correct me with a comment :)]  {Check out that double bracket going on over there; takes me back to undergrad math courses <shudders>}

Alright, it's getting a little out of control. Also, I ran out of brackets. I hope you're still enjoying autumn!


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