Thursday, January 10, 2013


It's probably a good thing that humans have a nine month gestation period. It gives the parents a good deal of time to get ready for the baby; you read books, set up a room, buy new clothes and such. Sometimes, getting a pet is nothing like that. Sometimes, you just suddenly have a dog.

This is what happened to us. At 4 o'clock yesterday, we were puppyless. One hour later (after a quick phone call from our land lord), he was already peeing on the tile. The call from my landlord was actually pretty surreal:

(me, sitting in the CAC watching YouTube)
Me: hello.
Trevor (LL): hello Eric, are you home now?
Me: uh, no, I'm on campus.
Trevor: alright. I found a puppy. Meet me at the front gate in 10 minutes.
Me: uh, okay.

That was basically it. 10 minutes later (ha! try 25. 10 minutes is never 10 minutes here), we were in the car meeting our new little fella.

Lately, he's been fluctuating between napping for 20 minutes and running around like a crazy for 45 minutes. Today will be the adventure that is bringing him down to campus (I'll probably have to hold him most of the time.

Woot puppy!


1 comment:

  1. What a cutie puppy! You both look so happy to have a new pet!
