Monday, March 18, 2013

Test Day ('n stuff)

As I'm typing this, Melissa is in the middle of her Mini. Or maybe it's almost done? I'm not very good at knowing all the details of her stuff. It's probably almost done about now. I honestly don't know how she takes all of those tests, let alone use all of her time. I've found that I tend to take most tests relatively quickly (for better or worse). After a certain amount of time, I just can't tolerate checking my work any more. But then if it seems like it's too early, I get paranoid about being done before anyone else has, so I just sit and stare at the test until someone else gets up to leave. But I don't get up right away; the trick is wait another minute after that first person, and then go. Piece of cake. That's how all of my teaching certification tests went. One of them was scheduled for 5 1/2 hours. Five and a half! I think I took 3 (don't worry, I passed). So anyway, Melissa is building up some amazing test endurance, which probably has other applications as well. *Shrugs*

In other news, did you know that it takes a lot of money to travel between countries? Especially when the two countries have NO direct flights? 'Cause let me tell you...yikes. Like I said before: we take a ferry to Guadeloupe, wait 2 days for the flight, fly to Haiti, week of mission trip, fly back to Guadeloupe, wait a day, then ferry back to Dominica. It is going to be a lot of traveling, and a bit more funds than we had originally expected. I hate to sound like a solicitor, but we really would appreciate any gifts to help offset the travel expenses. And of course we welcome prayers and keeping us in your thoughts as we get ready for this worthwhile cause.

To close, here's a more recent picture of Rosco and Melissa. He seems to be slowing down on the whole growing thing, but we discovered something amazing: he loves bananas! And the best part is how he eats them (I'm going to figure out how to record him with some later today, hopefully).

All the best,


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