Sunday, March 10, 2013

It's already March?


This has been a relatively busy couple of weeks here for me. I am still working as an SP down on campus (aka I pretend to be sick so students can examine me), and I had 2 days worth of work this week, in addition to meetings and practice for worship band (pluckin' some bass). I have to be careful whenever I say that I had a "busy day" or anything like that, because Melissa will give me a pretty good death stare. Which is deserved, I think. She is constantly working 14 times harder than me, at least!

Lately I've also been busy planning for our upcoming medical-mission trip to Haiti with a group called Project Compassion based out of California. And let me tell you: it has been no easy planning. You see, planes don't fly directly from Dominica to Haiti, so the best option is to take a ferry over to Guadeloupe or St. Martin's, then fly via Air France or Air Caraibes to Haiti (since they're all French territories). This is further complicated by the fact that ferries to and from Guadeloupe follow a rigid schedule, and a sparse one at that. So while in an ideal world we would merely stop over in Guadeloupe for only a couple hours or so each way, the reality is we're probably looking at 3 to 5 days in hotels waiting for the appropriate ferry or plane. Which should be fun, I hope. Better brush up on my French...

In the nearer future, Melissa's next mini is a week from tomorrow. This block is Renal/GI, so she's been putting up with my immature jokes constantly. 

Also, Rosco just keeps growing! And sleeping, which is nice. He seems to have a bad habit of stealing the downstairs puppy's chew sticks whenever he can. But other than that, he's a typical puppy who's happy to meet anybody and is figuring out how to be polite around strangers (i.e. no jumping!).

Well, that's all for now. I'll probably post again soon. 



(also, here is a emoticon alligator that I found: >*^,^,^~~~ Use at your discretion)

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