Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rosco's adventures with "Vet Day" on the hill

Today, I got to see a dog's ovum. Ova. Whichever form is the plural.

So this is because my downstairs neighbor is the president of the animal group at Ross (called PAWS), and apparently they couldn't find an alternate venue for the vets to do their work. And they did plenty of work.

At 10, all the vehicles show up; the vet and his two vet techs, along with a security truck with campus dogs in tow. Once the table area was all set up, the vets got to spaying and neutering, generally 2 at a time (it was a sizable table). Once the girl dogs were done, they were brought back to the kennels and the boys were brought up, followed by some cats that a student is caring for. All in all, it took about 5 or 6 hours.

During all this time, Rosco went through a cycle of emotions: "Hey, there's stuff outside! It sounds new! I want to meet/sniff them! <whimper>". Then we go outside. "Hi! Hi! H- wait, who are- you're a big dog that I've never seen, hello sir." Then he sees the vets working on a dog. "Oh. W-what is going on up there? Something smells weird. Why is that dog sleeping like that? <sits down away from the action, occasionally trying to climb into my arms>". 5 or so minutes pass. "...I want to go back inside now." Once inside, he would just doze for half an hour or so before doing this all over.

Overall, I think it went well. Rosco got to practice meeting new people in a relatively controlled setting, and the dogs and cats all seemed to do well with their surgeries. The one concern is that one of my neighbors dogs who got spayed today ran away during her bathroom break this evening, and as far as I know, she hasn't come back yet. Here's hoping she makes it!

Also, make sure you all wish Melissa a happy birthday on Friday! I know that technically it's not the 29th - since we don't have one this year - but you can still think of her birthday as being "the day after February 28th".

Have a good one!


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