Thursday, February 14, 2013

New Rosco Pics!

Since it's been a little while since you've seen the little guy, here are some new pictures of Rosco! 
Here's what he does when he first sees me take out the camera. You  might be able to see a couple of the wrinkles he gets on his forehead when he's confused about something. Also, you can't see it, but I have a wicked tan line on my foot. Under the straps, my feet are albino white.

Here's one from a better angle. He doesn't even seem to mind getting his picture taken, even with the flash! A couple days ago his ears were a little uneven on the floppiness, but the left one finally caught up.

More of  a profile shot, and also you can see what his eyes actually look like. It would be kind of cool if they were blue like that, but alas. I think he was looking at Melissa right here. Again, not really minding the camera.

Here you can see his sweet tail, in all its curliness. He was hiding behind the fridge and I was trying to catch him as he came around to eat, so that's why he's off the bottom of the frame. But look at that crazy tongue! Heh.

Eatin's some foods. The tiles on the floor are about a foot across, so I'd say he's standing at about 16 inches to his back, and 20 to his head. But I could be way off there. I think he'd look like a bloodhound puppy if it wasn't for that crazy tail of his. Mutts are great.

Here's just a cute one of him sleeping on his pillow with his towel. I didn't even have to set this one up; he put the bone down and fell asleep like this.  

So as you can see, he's doing pretty well. I'm due for a trip to Roseau to pick up some more treats for him so we can get back to some regular training (we're on the very last of the "Bakon Curlz", and I'm trying to ration it appropriately). But he's starting to figure out when I need him to go in his kennel, and he hardly cries when I leave him for a little while. So basically, he's the best.

In Melissa news, she has a mini next Wednesday. It's going to be a long one, like I've said before, but she's been definitely putting in the time it takes to get all this information nailed down for long-term use (compared to the cramming that some of her classmates utilize). She's like the epitome of work ethic, I can proudly say. 

Welp, I hope you're having a great Valentines Day! Peace out!



  1. Will you bring this guy home with you (wherever home *is*) when Melissa is finished with school? Sorry if you have answered that elsewhere!

  2. Yes, the plan is to take this guy with us!
