Monday, February 18, 2013

A taste of what Melissa will go through on Wednesday...

Hey again,

So as you may know, Melissa finally takes her first Mini this week. Yes, we are halfway through the semester, and she is just now taking a test. It will be a long one (over 3 hours I believe), but Melissa has been working really hard to build up the endurance and make sure this Neuro block is embedded deeply.

Anyways, the purpose of this post is to show you what a typical question will look like on this exam. Ready?

An 18-year-old male presented to the emergency room bleeding profusely from a deep cut in the left occipital triangle of his neck and undergoes emergency surgery to repair his internal jugular vein. He survives his injury but he is found on neurological examination to have left-sided weakness in shrugging his shoulder, cannot turn his head to the left against resistance, has a flat left soft palatal arch, and lacks a gag reflex on the left side. What additional clinical sign would be expected in this patient?
A. Ptosis on the left side that disappears on upward gaze
B. Profound ptosis on the left side
C. Dry eye on the left side
D. Gustatory sweating over the left parotid gland
E. Dry mouth

...Yikes. Well, for me, I think there's only about 7 words I don't recognize. Although my favorite of those words might just be "gustatory". Sounds invigorating.

So there you go. Feel free to post your answer in the comments so we can try to piece together the answer to this conundrum. And don't forget to think about Melissa on Wednesday morning! Or really, any time before lunch, because she's probably still testing.

Take care!


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