Friday, February 8, 2013

Puppy Tricks

I guess tricks is probably the wrong word. More like commands. I'm working on teaching Rosco some basic commands.

So far, I think he has a pretty good mastery of "Sit". It was a little tricky to get him to sit after I told him, rather than it being his default position when I talk to him. Then today, I decided to teach "Down" as a combo move with Sit (yes, I know I'm a nerd). And he learned it in like 5 minutes! My dog is a genius.

Of course, when we go outside to play/bathroom time, it gets a little dicey. I think the extra stimulation makes it harder for him to recognize what I want him to do. That, and he accidentally peed on the deck downstairs because he couldn't stop playing in time. My dog is dumb.

On the other hand, he hasn't peed inside for almost a week (I think? Hard to keep track). Genius again.

But he still tries to eat everything. Dumb.

Although he is patient when he's waiting for friends to come out. Genius. 

Still humps his pillow. Dumb

Waggles his leg when I scratch his tummy just right. Not genius, but awwww...

Anyways, he and I are building a good rapport. I have to pick my spots for teaching him commands, because if he's too tired/energetic, it's basically a waste. He shall learn, in time.

In Melissa-related news, she's got a week and a half left before her mini. As you may know, the more lectures covered, the longer the mini, and this is her first one of the semester, so I think she's in store for a 4+ hour test. No joke. It'll be epic. 

Just today she had her first SP session. Last night I did a short walkthrough as a sickly headache patient to see how she'll approach the real case. By all accounts, it went well. Plus, she got to wear nice clothes and her white coat, which I could tell made her happy. She looks good in that thing!

I don't start my training for SP until later this month, but I got the same case as last semester. Which is good because I already know it, but I was really hoping for a less strenuous assignment. Oh well, gotta get back in the habit of writhing in pain while holding my flank and moaning. All in a day's work.

Ok, take care!


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