Sunday, June 30, 2013

No Mo' Beard (and the Squeaky Puppy w/ video!)



Now that hockey playoff season is over, my beard no longer serves any purpose. Therefore, I shaved it.

Before any shaving. I think it knows that something's up.

Decided to screw around a little after the neck was shaved. Not sure if I can pull this off.

Chin beard gone, going for the "Youth Pastor" look as Melissa calls it.  The face I'm making is irrelevant.

Just the soul patch left. I can't actually see it, because I have a gigantic nose.

It's getting worried now... (what is that neck vein/thing called? Mine can be quite prominent)

And finished! And I did it all with a regular razor (one of those Gillette things).  My face is cool and happy again.

Here is that video of my pup being cute with his squeaky toy.

Hope you enjoyed this goofy little post! Maybe I'll try doing some more YouTubes. Who knows?

Saturday, June 22, 2013


I like using words that have all five vowels in them (today's title being a prime example). The first one I figured out when I was a wee lad was "education", and I was quite proud of myself. Then I discovered "facetious", which is extra special because the vowels show up in alphabetical order! 

But this isn't a post about words! It's a post that happens to use words!


Ok, so for starters, Rosco is still big. He hasn't grown much lately, but I'd say he's about 40 pounds or so. This puts him in the "hard to pick up" category of pet. It's like picking up a seven-year-old with claws. 

He also has this new game where he gets a toy and makes me chase him around the apartment in circles. This game is especially fun if it's a squeaky toy. I'll have to try and record him doing it sometime that Melissa's home.

Speaking of Melissa, here is a special PSA from the doc-to-be: take your daily multi-vitamin! She recently told me that her fingernails have seen a lot of healthy progress since we've been on Dominica taking vitamins, and she's pretty sure that it has to do with some anemia. Crazy!

Changing topics: I've been growing a playoff beard for the Stanley Cup finals. No mustache. No neck beard. But everything else (or at least as much as I can). All I can say is I'll be happy when it's over. Too hot for facial hair down here. Also, go Hawks! (cue Chelsea Dagger).

Also, I just realized that it didn't really rain that much this week (relatively speaking of course). Which probably means that next week will be that much worse. But who knows? I'm no weatherman. 

And that is my little bit of potpourri blogging for you. I hope it smelled nice (:^/). 

Peace out,


Monday, June 10, 2013

Mini tomorrow!

Couldn't think of a very good title, but I like the double meaning that people could get out of it. No, tomorrow is not going to be unusually small; Melissa's tests are just called, "mini's".

Side note: can someone get me the official ruling on if and when it's correct to use an apostrophe to make something plural? Sometimes it just feels right to do it. If I wrote "minis", it looks wrong. Like, latin or something.

But anyhow, yes. Tomorrow is Melissa's first 3rd-semester test, all about those bugs and drugs and hugs, like I mentioned last time. Her routine is solid: up at 6:30, shower/breakfast, out the door at 7:30, power through the day, get on the bus at 11 or 11:30 pm. I think she eats in there at some point(s). As always, she's working hard non stop. Wanna know just how hard she's working? She made me change her Facebook password. Yep. Hardcore stuff, right there.

I hoping we'll be able to enjoy the rest of the day after her test, but based on the weather these last couple days, I'm not so sure. We had a nice stretch of good weather for about a week, but come Saturday evening, it got rain-centric again. It rains off and on all day, with a couple downpours mixed in for good measure. Luckily our water hasn't been affected *too* much, but anything could happen. 

Rosco is doing pretty well, although I know that he hates this weather more than I do. If it's raining harder than a sprinkle, I have to drag him outside (even with an umbrella). Also he tends to sleep a lot more when it's rainy than when it's sunny. He's probably got the right idea, to be honest. I've never been a good napper. Something about the way it usually gets darker while you're asleep, and then you wake up and you're disoriented, and you get sleep burps that taste awful, and...ech. I could go on. Maybe my naps are too long. 

***LIVE UPDATE AS I'M BLOGGING*** Rosco has peed like a boy dog for the first time in his life! He's been a 'squatter' since day 1, but just a few minutes ago, he lifted his leg! I'm so proud.

Anyhoo, be thinking of Melissa tomorrow morning! Hope you're all well!
